Cáncer de próstata


Qué es el cáncer de próstata

El cáncer de próstata inicia con un crecimiento celular descontrolado en las células que forman la glándula prostática. Prostate cancer can be localized (cancer that has not spread outside the prostate) or metastatic (cancer that has spread from the prostate into other areas such as lymph nodes or bones). Some prostate cancer growth is caused by hormones called androgens (including testosterone). If reducing hormone levels stops the cancer growth, the cancer is classified as castrate-sensitive. Prostate cancer that continues to grow even after reducing hormone levels is called castrate-resistant. Prostate cancer usually grows slowly and can be detected early. Not all prostate cancer needs to be treated. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted drug therapy and immunotherapy.1

Qué tan frecuente es el cáncer de próstata

The American Cancer Society estimates approximately 288.300 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in men in 2023. It is the most common cancer in men in the United States, with the exception of skin cancers. About 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime.2 3

Encuentre apoyo

Hay muchas organizaciones que apoyan la investigación y promoción del cáncer de próstata. Consulte a continuación algunas de estas organizaciones.

Organizaciones para el cáncer de próstata

Preguntas relacionadas con su terapia para el cáncer de próstata

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