Quiénes somos

Accredo's Rare Disease Therapeutic Resource Center provides specialty pharmacy and in-home clinical care for patients living with 23 different rare diseases. El equipo de enfermedades poco frecuentes de Accredo se dedica a servirle y entiende la complejidad de su afección. Nuestros médicos clínicos con formación especializada están disponibles las 24 horas al día, los siete días de la semana, para responder cualquier pregunta.

Your experienced care team members are available to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. See how Accredo’s Patient Care Advocates, pharmacists, social workers, nurses, and dietitians help patients with rare and ultra-orphan conditions.

image of jarred, rare disease pharmacist

Jarred is a clinical pharmacist highly trained in treating rare conditions who will be there to offer support throughout your journey. Our clinical pharmacists can provide one-on-one counseling on medications, including prescription reviews for possible drug-drug or drug-disease interactions.

imagen de Lisa, enfermera de enfermedades poco frecuentes

Lisa is one of our nurses who can help you with any questions about the administration of your medication and reach out to you to assess how you are doing with your therapy.

image of bridget, clinical social worker

Social workers like Bridget provide individualized support to you and your family for a wide range of needs: transportation challenges, financial concerns, mental health challenges and more. They will also connect you to available resources and support groups in your area.

image of anna, registered dietician

Anna is one of our registered dietitians who are available to assist with any nutritional needs you have while on your medication, including choosing the right foods to eat.

Erica is one of many patient care advocates who may be your primary point of contact for all your medication needs. They will explain the Accredo prescription process, as well as answer any questions about reimbursement information or prescription status. Your patient care advocate can also connect you with clinical team members, including pharmacists, nurses, social workers and dietitians.